This tool, Windows Event Viewer by Microsoft, is heavily disregarded it seems and I don’t know why. I can’t tell you how many times someone reaches out to me wanting to know why their PC is giving them issues and “a friend said it was this, or that, or the shitty Intel CPU, or the Thermals, or a bad component, or because they didn’t have a virus protection…”
This is where the suggestion to open and look up the error code listed for the last shutdown is advised to the poor frustrated user from the Windows Event Veiwer. A quick trip to the search bar to type in the name and then it’s the same question, “What’s this do?”
I’m honestly not sure why this tool isn’t a common feature or standard on the desktop for individuals to check out and learn about. It’s so nice to have a tool that will tell you why a shutdown or error occurred and can save so much time too. Dig around and you can look at a historical listing of events that have occurred on your system, who knows, maybe by looking it over you could find more things wrong. Maybe your system is about to have the biggest melt down of its life.
Logs like this are awesome to look over and it turns out that most devices have logs either running by default or can be turned on. Growing more and more familiar with logs, it has been a change in my digital lifestyle to find the logs just because there has already been enough time patching walls from where my head has punched through due to total frustration.