When discussing Cloud Gaming you might think about a massive gaming station, tons of LED’s lighting up the room, glowing keyboards, monitors, lots of colored buttons on things spread around the desk, and collectibles around the room, all powered by a crazy, liquid filled computer. Something out of Star Wars or Star Trek, maybe there is a flux capacitor in there with a big cylinder that you could imagine a goldfish or two hanging out in. You might think, “In 10 years there could be enough savings in my account to afford one part of this system.” and you might have been right a few years ago, but those days are gone now!
Advances in datacenters, bandwidth, power conservation, moving to green energy, companies like Microsoft and the Gates Foundation dropping loads of cash into R&D for the most advanced Nuclear solutions ever seen yet and to power their own Datacenters with. We now have the ability to spend $100-400 on a PC with 2 cores, 4gb of ram, enough storage for windows and an internet connection that is 15Mbps or better with resolutions starting at 1280×720 in 60fps. since you’ll be connecting direct to a VM in the Datacenter, your lag from the game to the game server is 1ms, As long as you have that 15mbps and an open network, you will have the same. Its sick and was tried out on the TekTinkers stream where we built a cheap PC to spec by the NVidia GeforceNOW System Requirements while live and it was amazing!
Cloud gaming accomplished for 2025!!! Next is the Office and professional aps, but that isn’t an issue either. Libre offers a whole suite of applications for free that fork Microsoft’s Office Suite that has been renamed to “M365“. For just $12.99/month you can have access to a Microsoft Office Suite through the cloud with your cheap PC that didn’t take 10 years to save for. This is an awesome progression of the cloud and its capabilities and honestly it’s my opinion that big overpriced PC’s are no longer needed. Soon the PC builder/boutique will be out of business or only cater to the DIY’r Enthusiast.
Go Cloud!!!!