Content Creation is fun, not going to try and sugar coat that one. It is a lot of fun and you don’t even really have to be famous or well known to have fun with it. Being asked a question, being made to feel important because it is recognized that your level of understanding into a topic would benefit someone is pretty close to what it feels like when approached on the internet and asked questions. Being honest is a huge key point in that you are not trying to give an answer all the time, in IT, there is no possible way you can be that one person that has all the answers. Anyone telling me they can that isn’t Bill Gates or Elon Musk with their AI working with them is a fool in my opinion. An individual in IT that says they have a few questions they ask to find out if the person under scrutiny is actually in IT or knows what they are talking about is, in my opinion, cautious to be safe to safeguard their reputation of being “IT” which just might not be that well informed and is skating in the job.
I say all this because it is important data that is about to be posted to the world. Once this data is posted, people from all over the world will read it for their own intentions, they might even refer someone else to read it as well. What if they do refer this post to someone else and it doesn’t exist? What if the whole website is just gone? All that data, all that work, all that important information vanished into thin air all because of the lack of security. This is what the world has decided to teach me and in a fairly affective fashion. Having to rebuild this enough times to do it seemingly with my eyes closed has taught me to have scheduled security routines established either at the system level or at my level of doing it myself. Backups is something normal, VM duplications and snapshots are normal, running pen testing software into my own network to keep systems locked down and hacker free has become something of a scheduled practice now.
Knowing I am not perfect and no one person is, I’m sure somewhere a long the line I will fail and a hacker will celebrate their success of making me rebuild again. I really pray and hope that does not happen again. This platform could be used for good and my intention is to get it to operate for good, to benefit those that cannot by being available to them.
Please don’t take me down again! <3
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