I am excited to have made this giant step into the unknown. There have been countless variations of TekRP webpages and looks designed and setup, but all have eventually hit some kind of wall and clicked off into the Recycle Bin. This time, it looks as if this “New Look” is going to stay!
This started a year ago, an ambition to make a platform out of TekRP but the question existed as to what content would be included? What benefit would there be to the user or someone deciding to register from TekRP? Servers were created as ideas poured out onto the keyboard, my original idea to make a webpage of links before the start of the Garage. Other companies have done this now, centralizing your social media’s into pages of links. The concept of saving money on storage by using only CSS and business logos, keeping the pages strictly HTML/CSS was discussed between Myque Crafton and I. When presented before a board of innovators, the idea was questioned and laughed at, why would anyone need this or want it?
The concept has been proven now, its time to build the platform and it has been prototyped out under the name “Zeemew”. Zeemew is a name/URL used for concept creations and since being closed, many people have asked for its return or if it will be returning. The answer is yes, it will. While TekRP is this page with this content, it is me. It only seems appropriate to have the platform fall under a different name or continue using “Zeemew” as it seems to be kind of catchy anyway. My thoughts are to combine the game hosting for the communities and the “Zeemew” platform integrated as a free benefit for not only community members but also all registrants world wide. Something that is highly desired to implement within the “Zeemew” platform is the option of “stat tracking” a player from within our own hosted game servers. Understanding game manufactures are moving away from offering server files to private hoster’s or DIY’ers as it adds to security issues with official servers, our own “Zeemew” servers would be just ours, a registrant would be whitelisted to our servers perhaps and additionally, competitions, prizes could be offered as well. “Zeemew” would not only be a list of hosted game servers, a place to centralize your online life, but also a place to compete and win, all would be optional per the user.
Years of building sites, taking college courses around HTML/CSS, self-teaching SQL, Networking, PC’s and pursuing a higher education via University within Information Technology, the decision was to try something else and go with WordPress. It seems the themes are a struggle to understand and each one has a premium. My guess is there will be a time where learning a page editor to create my own design will happen, but I am 100% excited with what I am able to put together now than what I tried to do 10 years ago. Not that there are more options, but I have more knowledge and understanding when I look at something new, to start editing and tweaking. It’s fantastic and while this current TekRP page is just rolling out, expect to see more changes and an added store for items on sale that have been unique to myself and other friends of mine for our PC’s and more!
This has been such a blast the last few years and while there is a ton more work to do, I’ll do my best to get this done before the end of 2025. I would like to graduate with a Degree and have this done around the same time.
Thank you to all of those that have supported me!