Having worked with Network Solutions and several other DNS Hosting solutions online, I’ve been used to the 24 -48 hours global propagation warning as being more like a 3 hour wait. It’s been nice when changing DNS URL’s for the Minecraft server, setting up new webpages, configuring nodes to host other game servers and setting up my music server to have global access like Spotify for my personal music collection to enjoy!
Waiting to cut down on having servers run in my home, I turned to Azure. Microsoft has been a company that, to me, has gone out of its way to provide so much free content and software for its customers, my choice to continue supporting them comes rather easy. The first thing to do in the Azure cloud is host my jukebox that utilizes Subsonic and about 250Gb of music. This was pretty awesome and easy to setup on a VM with a static IP that didn’t cost me anything extra. Ubuntu, Java’s OpenJDK8, and NGINX / Proxy was setup with a Certbot deployed SSL. To end it all, the music was set to upload while I went to bed.
Waking up was awesome, the transfer was completed, all that had to be done now was to scan the storage for music in the specified folder. Over 20,000 files were found and allocated into the Subsonic system. Excited, my phone couldn’t load the music ap fast enough and register all its music off the Subsonic server. Next it was time to go get breakfast from Mc Donalds and try out the streaming music service in my Jeep.
Everything worked, it was awesome which led to me wanting to know more. Clicking around more, the financial projection scale was found that showed by the end of the month I would owe over $80 which was way more than my current internet bill. This meant, utilizing the cloud for me was over and everything was moved back to the loud home servers that ate electricity as a snack it seemed. Everything was done to setup the server except an error on the SSL. Azure wouldn’t let go of the DNS/IP. It took a solid 24 hours before it was released and another 24 hours of me sitting there waiting, wishing, wanting to have everything setup and streamlined so I couldn’t show everything off, but not for another 24 hours. Whatever Microsoft is running over there, they got a serious setup, maybe they can give me a tour so I can setup something like Azure in my garage!