I’ve built this webpage a few times now and I’m thinking this wont be the best topic to post. Writing about this might just put me into a position that requires me to have to rebuild the website so after posting this I’ll be going into the hypervisor and making duplicates of the Web and SQL VM’s to reload if another successful brute force attack happens and takes this site down. The good news is though that the site is being redesigned better and better with a lot of great improvements in design and structure!
I’ve told many people going into IT and security to please, if you want, hack me. I guess that is all they hear but I do go on to say, If you do decide to, PLEASE let me know so I can make backups, there would be no point in me locking anything down, it would be best to just let things ride as they are to see where the weaknesses are. I’m guessing some of these individuals have taken a few shots at… have taken several.. have taken many upon many shots at the network. Success has been riding on their shoulders for sure as each time I always end up rebuilding things and for some reason, never hearing from anyone as to who did what. It’s frustrating sure, I can’t thank any one individual or group and I wont, that is the trade-off for not informing me and making me learn from mistakes.
But, not to say that these actions do not go without some humbling humor in that I am actually thankful that I have come as far as I have and a lot of that would not be possible without those folks. So, I owe you a thanks, whoever you are. Also, I’m working on something bigger currently, if you could please not hack but maybe just stick to cracking for a bit, that would be greatly appreciated. <3