If you ask me, permissions have gotten out of hand these days. Where it used to be a username and password, now it has turned into 2 or 3 authentication factors, multiple systems involved, layers of encryption established, groups of packets called “tokens” floating around between systems, it’s ridiculous.
Bigger organizations I do understand systems like Active Directory, different ways to make it easier for the user to just login without having to do 10 different things or it can just be kept simple with a username and password. This brings me back to, what happened to the good ‘ol days of just a username and a password?
Seems that significant events all end up being where someone gave out their username and password, other information would have been used just to try and get to the recovery process to intercept and lock the account out from the user by the hacker. After thinking about all this and experiencing my own failure to protect my username and password by taking the bait of a phishing scam, not everyone is perfect and mistakes will happen.
This is why in my servers I have run them all with a Single Sign On method. I have the Root and a user is created that I give out to people that want to help with whatever project we have going. This for me works out great in that I have the Root that no one else will, and when something goes wrong, in seconds I lock out the system by changing the one users account. After that no one can get in and its safe for me to figure things out in that user sign on account or as Root.
Of course in the Instance of a system like discord where many people will come together in one spot but have different priorities and privileges, then role assigned permissions work out the best with all of them having their own account. I still have the main “Owner” account as I call “Root” lingering in the member list as a random name so if my account gets hacked I still have control over the Discord server. This to me seems like something most everyone should adopt but not many people have considered or imagined something like this.
^^^There ya go, Pro Tip from the actual Pro’s for your Discord Server, enjoy!